Should You Play Household Appliance Sounds for Your Baby?

Are you wondering if it’s safe and beneficial to play household appliance sounds for your little one? Many parents find comfort in the gentle hum of familiar domestic sounds, like the fan in hot weather or the rhythmic whirling of a washing machine. But does this white noise actually help babies sleep better? Let’s delve into the science behind white noise and its effects on infants.

Understanding White Noise for Babies

White noise, characterized by its random frequencies at low volumes, has a calming effect on both adults and babies. It mimics the sounds babies heard in the womb, making them feel relaxed and secure. Research suggests that white noise can aid babies in falling asleep faster and staying asleep longer.

Safety Considerations

While white noise is generally considered safe for babies, it’s crucial to keep the volume low, below 20 decibels, to prevent any potential harm to their hearing. Additionally, studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high sound pressure levels, like those found in white noise, can affect a baby’s hearing. Therefore, it’s recommended to keep the white noise machine at least 7 feet away from the crib.

Effective Use of White Noise

White noise can be generated through various household appliances, such as hairdryers, hoovers, or kitchen extractor fans. Additionally, there are white noise generators, videos, and apps specifically designed to soothe babies and aid their sleep. However, it’s essential to use white noise wisely and in moderation, avoiding dependence on it for every sleep instance.


In summary, playing household appliance sounds, or white noise, for your baby can indeed help calm them and promote better sleep. By understanding how to use white noise safely and effectively, you can create a comforting environment that supports your baby’s sleep habits. So, if you’re looking for a natural way to soothe your little one, consider incorporating white noise into your bedtime routine.